+91(674) 246-5421, 246-5446 aoaind@gmail.com
K. Naseera, Gijo Ittoop, K. A. Anisha, P. Lakshmi Devi and Aneykutty Joseph*
The dinoflagellate, Isochrysis galbana, grown in different culture media wasanalysed to study the biochemical variations. The species was cultured in fourdifferent growth media, viz. Walne’s, Miquel’s, Chu’s and f/2, keeping thephysicochemical factors such as temperature (23.0 - 25.0C), light intensity (2000lux), pH (8.0) and salinity (35.0 ppt) constant. Harvesting was done in exponential phase to carry out the biochemical analyses. The results of the study revealed that the nutritional status of I. galbana varies with different culture media. The best growth rate, cell density, protein (22.33±1.54%), carbohydrate (23.24±2.6%) and lipid (27.71±5.55%) contents were obtained in Chu’s medium. The colour intensity and chlorophyll a content were observed highest in the microalgae grown in Miquel’s medium. The amounts of protein, carbohydrate and lipid showedsignificant (P < 0.05) variations in different culture media. Therefore, from thestudy it is inferred that biochemical compositions of I. galbana varies with the media used for its culture.  o

Keyword: The dinoflagellate, Isochrysis galbana, grown in different culture media wasanalysed to study the biochemical variations
Dillip Bej, Sofia P. Das, Subrat Swain, P. Jayasankar and P. Das
 Identification of fish species is essential for better bloodstock management as wellas for the detection of unintentional or fraudulent species substitutions in the market place. Twenty seven individuals from 4 Indian carp species were analyzed to assess the utility of mitochondrial ATPase 8 gene sequences in identifying four cultivable carp species i.e, Labeo rohita, Catla catla, Cirrhinus mrigala and Labeofimbriatus from India. Results of sequencing and alignment of the full length ATPase 8 genes of the four species revealed that there were enough species specific signatures which could be used for differentiating these four species. The phylogenetic analysis of Indian carp species by the Kimura 2-parameter method showed that each species forms a separate clade and L. rohita is more closely related to L. fimbriatus than C. catla and C. mrigala. This study using only a very short sequence of ATPase 8 gene may help in identification of carp species as wellas detection of fraudulent substitution of fish species.

Keyword: Identification of fish species is essential for better bloodstock management as wellas
Swagatika Mohanty, Bindu R. Pillai and P. V. Rangacharyulu
 The present paper reports the results of a laboratory experiment to study the effect of different levels of dietary lipids on reproductive performance of captive brood stock of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Three formulated pellet diets were prepared containing 2% (D1), 4% (D2) and 6% (D3) lipid and fedto adult females of M. rosenbergii (Av. body weight - 28 g)  at 5% of the biomass per day for 60 days. Prawns fed D3 showed significantly higher (P<0.05) weight gain(221.16±6.48 mg/day) compared to those fed D1 and D2. Similarly, significantly higher (P<0.05) reproductive parameters like fecundity (eggs/ g body weight)(1153.6±174.25), egg clutch weight (g) (4.9±0.25) and gonado-somatic index(6.82±0.27) were also found in prawns fed D3. Reproductive effort (g eggs/ femalex100), post–hatch fecundity (nos. of larvae/ g female) and mid gut gland somatic index (%) also showed a similar trend. The present results clearly indicated that dietary lipid level of 6% significantly enhances reproductive performance ofcaptive stock of M. rosenbergii compared to 2% and 4% lipid levels.

Keyword: The present paper reports the results of a laboratory experiment to study the effect of different levels
Kanta Das Mahapatra, J. N. Saha, B. Sarkar, K. Murmu and M. Patnaik
A prototype hatchery was constructed at Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA), Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar, India to produce spawn offullsib families of rohu (Labeo rohita) carp and mass production of genetically improved rohu spawn. While following combined selection method, fullsibfamilies have to be produced and reared separately from fertilized eggs tofingerlings i.e., till taggable size for individual tagging. The specialized hatchery was developed for individual fullsib family spawn production i.e., fertilized eggs to spawn. Water requirement study was performed for full sib family productions well as for mass scale spawn production and, it was worked out to be 10.54 and81.07 m for one full sib family and a million of spawn production, respectively. The specialized hatchery improved the production of full sib families and spawn recovery percentage to a greater extent. Recovery of fullsib families increased from70-82% to 94-100% in different year classes. In the present paper, efficacy of the hatchery for fullsib family and mass scale spawn production in selective breeding programme of rohu for last 19 years is discussed. The same model of hatchery can also be utilized for selective breeding programme for any other carp species. 3

Keyword: A prototype hatchery was constructed at Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture
B. K. Pati, P. R. Sahoo, P. N. Ananth*, A. K. Dash and P. Jayasankar
Adoption of Scientific Management Practices (SMPs) is imperative for increasing production and productivity in fish farming. From pond preparation to harvestingfish, the Research and Development Institutions have disseminated technologies and techniques for the benefit of farmers and it is understood that adoption varies from farmer to farmer based on their capacity, willingness and the robustness of the practice. Among the different SMPs in fish farming, water quality managements one of the key practices that determine the success of fish farming. This study was conducted with the objective of assessing the advisory role of Krishi VigyanKendra (KVK)-Khordha in promoting water quality management practices through its soil and water testing laboratory. Twenty beneficiaries of the KVK from three districts of Odisha were selected for the study. The results indicated that majority of the farmers have never tested water samples before and tested for the first time at KVK. Further, the sources of information for testing water were found to be limited. The study also concluded that the major reason for testing water was towards understanding the manuring and fertilization schedule. Most of the farmers tested their water before stocking and also fully adopted the recommendations provided by KVK. The study suggests more intensive efforts by development agencies to organize different campaigns and use of the other extension methods to sensitize the adoption of water quality management practices with a larger impact.  

Keyword: Adoption of Scientific Management Practices (SMPs) is imperative for increasing production and productivity in fish farming